Lara Residences

Discover the ultimate in luxury living with Lara Residences – a collection of 6 exquisite villas. These are located near the Akamas National Park, a UNESCO protected area. The spacious villas, each with a stunning interior design that is architecturally  extraordinary, offer breathtaking views that will leave everyone in awe.

Thanks to the proximity of the pristine and crystal clear beach “Xerolimni” in the area of St. George in Pegeia, you can enjoy the ultimate beach vacation experience.

Project Overview:

6 spacious villas

Private pools

Close to all amenities with hotel, spa and restaurants

We would like to offer you the opportunity to get to know one of these properties better. Exclusively for our customers Korantina Homes offers a special offer for this purpose. If you are interested in buying, a trial period of up to 3 months can be arranged. The rent is credited against the purchase price in the event of a purchase. Our service is not associated with any additional costs for prospective buyers and is non-binding. We will also gladly take over the purchase price negotiations for you and accompany you through the entire purchase process until closing. Even beyond that, you will receive help with everything to get you started in your new home.

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